Offroad 20 LED

 89,90 VAT included.

  • 20 Liter Bikerucksack
  • Drinking system attachment
  • LED taillight
  • IllumiNITE-reflectors
  • Helmet attachment
  • Breathable carrier
  • 2 front compartments
  • Raincover
  • 650 g

Dieses Produkt ist PFC-frei.

Color: black

Offroad 20- Bikerucksack mit LED

All biker backpacks are equipped with a helmet attachment and reflectors. Especially in road traffic – biker backpacks are not only used in the field - it is important that the athlete remains well recognizable even in darkness and twilight. Illuminites and 3M reflectors offer an extra safety feature in this regard.

The fast-moving backpack impresses with its great look and its functional details. Drinking system attachment, rain cover and reflectors complete this great bike backpack. The drinking system can be hung in quickly and easily.

Also new in this season is the built-in LED rear light with three different light levels. A additional safety factor at dusk and darkness. The operation is very simple. Even the battery can be easily changed with a few quick movements.

Du weißt nicht genau wie du den richtigen Rucksack zum Biken findest? Kein Problem! Schau dir unseren Bike backpack guide an. Dort erklären wir, wie du denn passenden Rucksack für deine Anforderungen findest und welcher unserer Rucksäcke wofür geeignet ist.

Weight650 g


100% polyamide


Rückenlänge: 48 cm
Breite: 25 cm
Tiefe: 21 cm

1 review for Offroad 20 LED

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Vonach Christian

    Habe den Rucksack bisher immer für kleinere Wanderungen verwendet, aber auch für den Klettersteig. War aber auch für eine kleinere Skitour mehr als ausreichend. Bin dann aber auf den Outback 30 gewechselt.

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