Hardshell pants


Men's pants for all weather conditions

What hardshell pants have in common is that they are all waterproof, robust and breathable. Special materials ensure that you are protected from wind and rain.

Here is a quick overview of the differences of our three pants:

The Valluga The Valluga is a touring pants and freeride pants and differs from the other pants especially in the cut, pockets and ventilation options. It is particularly robust and also great as ski pants.

The other two pants are rain pants. They are waterproof, light and easy to store. The Rainpant Dermizax is slightly more breathable and the fabric is a bit softer. Depending on what and how often you need your rain pants, the Rainpant Light is more than sufficient or it pays to invest in a high-quality Rainpant Dermizax. We would also be happy to advise you personally by phone or email.

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